Sticky Selfies by Abraham Cruzvillegas
Sticky Selfies by Abraham Cruzvillegas
Sticky Selfies is a captivating collection showcasing Abraham Cruzvillegas’ enduring fascination with primates through drawings, paintings, and silkscreen prints. Spanning from 1985 to the present, this body of work highlights Cruzvillegas’ artistic evolution and playful exploration of form and identity.
Combining caricature, calligraphy, and his deep interest in primates, Cruzvillegas creates expressive portraits of apes across diverse media. Each piece reflects his unique blend of humor, observation, and technical skill, offering a visually compelling and conceptually rich exploration of humanity’s relationship with its closest animal relatives.
Through Sticky Selfies, Cruzvillegas transforms a simple subject into a profound artistic statement, illustrating the complexity of identity, expression, and connection within the natural world.